Introvert’s Journey to Greatness: Day One

Day 1 of new office.

So, I moved from my little warm office near my home to the cold (and people often said too cruel) bustling city of Jakarta.

Starting anything new in a totally new environment is a difficult task for me as an introvert, seriously. Don’t judge me, it just happened all the times and I can’t control it.

My new small home is packed with things (which I haven’t got the time to arrange it until today) and I am packed with excitements and battle-ready, whatever it takes to take me higher.

Yeah, it is my only provisions for starting this new journey of mine. Determination and persistence.

In my first day, I was introduced to many new faces that I can’t take account of all of their names until now. I remember just a few of them, though.

It may take some time for me to remember all the names and divisions they are in. Poor me with my “lali jenenge apal rupane”.

And to be noted for myself, it is not as cold as you think bro. You only get a slight touch of the surface, keep calm and do things right.

Well, I came home at 10.30 PM and what a day it was.


PS: I have to learn how to use mac OS effectively. Dasar anak Windows!

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